What is passive income?

Passive Income is income that comes from businesses that do not require doing a lot of activities, such as rental properties, limited companies, e-commerce projects, etc., but it may need a lot of work and spending money when starting.
Passive Income is a regular source of income, as its owner generates a lot of money even in his sleep, and for this reason it is considered the main profit tool for the owners of wealth in the world is greater, and the individual through it can work in a job and get additional income without having to make Any effort, and therefore it can be a backup plan in case a person loses his job, and also an alternative when the person reaches retirement age.
However, passive income does not always guarantee the achievement of wealth as quickly as one imagines, but it is possible that opportunities for constant passive income lead to saving money in the long term to obtain a large amount in the end through which to establish a business or benefit from it. The availability of passive income is: investing, real estate, selling products and providing services online, in addition to having active accounts or blogs on the Internet, it receives a lot of visits and posts through which passive income can be achieved.